Click on the small picture to go to the Weeds page with more information
 Pearlwort |
 Chickweed |
 Bittercress |
 Goose Grass |
 Whitlow Grass |
 Shepherd's Purse |
 Bedstraw |
 Mouse-Ear |
 Tare |
 Meadow Sweet |
 Mayweed |
 Daisy |
 Bindweed |
 Bramble |
 White Bryony |
 Yellow Trefoil |
 Groundsel |
 Rocket |
 Yellow Oxalis |
 Yellow Pimpernel |
 Silverweed |
 Creeping Buttercup |
 Catsear |
 Prickly Sowthistle |
 Common Sowthistle |
 Hawk's Beard |
 Ragwort |
 Willow Herb |
 Redshank |
 Field Bindweed |
 Geranium |
 Cranesbill |
 Henbit |
 Creeping Thistle |
 Marsh Thistle |
 Ground Thistle |
 Forget-me-Not |
 Speedwell |
 Fat Hen |
 Stinging Nettle |
 Dock |
 Annual Mercury |
 Petty Spurge |
 Great Plantain |
 Ribwort Plantain |
 Moss |
 Liverwort |
 Common Rush |
 Field Horsetail |
 Ivy |