Name |
Seed Pod |
Description |
Seeds |
Seed Close-up |
Germination Method I Used |
Seedling |
Tagetes erecta Asteraceae African Marigold |
Seeds are long and thin, black at one end with a straw-coloured tuft. Many seeds in a seedhead. |
Spring Inside (9 days) |
Tagetes patulaAsteraceae French Marigold |
No seedpod. Seeds are thin black sticks with a straw-like tail. Many seeds on a seedhead. |
Winter inside (9 days) |
Talinum okanoganensePortulacaceae Fame Flower |
Seedpod is a ball. Seeds are tiny black balls. Many seeds in a pod. |
Winter Outside (100 days)Inside (41 days) |
Tamarindus indicaCaesalpinaceae Tamarind |
Seedpod is short and fat, with bulges for each seed. Seed is a large shiny brown irregular chunk. |
Nick & soak seed Spring, Inside (13 days) Summer, Outside (15 days) |
Tanacetum partheniumAsteraceae Feverfew |
There is no seedpod. Seeds are tiny creamy sticks. Many seeds clustered together on a seedhead. |
Autumn Outside (Self sows) |
Tecoma capensisBignoniaceae Cape Honeysuckle |
Seeds are brown, heart shaped, with light brown papery wings. Many seeds in each pod. |
Winter Propagator (6 days)Spring, Inside (21 days) |
Tecoma stansBignoniaceae Yellow Bells |
Seeds are flat brown heart-shapes with white papery wings. Several seeds in a pod. |
Winter/Spring Propagator (4-6 days) |
Tecomaria capensis Bignoniaceae Cape Honeysuckle |
Seeds are brown, heart shaped, with light brown papery wings. Many seeds in each pod. |
Winter Propagator (6 days)Spring, Inside (21 days) |
Tetragonolobus maritimusPapilionaceae Winged Pea |
Seedpod is a ribbed straight peapod. Seeds are small balls. Few seeds in each pod. |
Winter Outside (18 days) |
Teucrium scorodonia Lamiaceae Wood Sage |
No seedpod. Seeds are at the bottom of the calyx. Seeds are tiny dark brown pips. Up to 4 seeds per flower. |
Winter Outside (110 days) |
Thalictrum flavumRanunculaceae Meadow Rue |
Seeds are small brown grains with pointed ends. Many seeds in a seedpod. |
Winter Inside (16 days)Outside (129 days) |