Sidalcea 'Party Girl' |
Prarie Mallow |
Silene (many) |
Campion, Catchfly |
Silene acaulis |
Moss Campion |
Silene alba |
White Campion |
Silene armeria |
Sweet William Catchfly |
Silene asterias |
Catchfly |
Silene coeli-rose |
Rose of Heaven |
Silene dioica |
Red Catchfly |
Silene flos-jovis |
Jove's Flower |
Silene keiskei |
Campion |
Silene uniflora (maritima) |
Sea Campion |
Silene schafta |
Moss Campion |
Silene vulgaris |
Bladder Campion |
Silene zawadskii |
Zawadski's Catchfly |
Silybum marianum |
Milk Thistle |
Sinocalycanthus chinensis |
Chinese Allspice, Chinese Wax Plant |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium |
Blue-eyed Grass |
Soldanella |
Snowbell |
Soldanella alpina |
Alpine Snowbell |
Solenopsis (Laurentia) axillaris |
Blue Star Creeper |
Solenostemon scutellarioides |
Coleus, Flame Nettle |
Solidago 'Laurin' |
Golden Rod |
Sollya fusiformis |
Bluebell Creeper |
Sophora (many) |
Pagoda Tree |
Sophora davidii |
David's Mountain Laurel |
Sophora secundiflora |
Texas Mountain Laurel |
Sophora tetraptera |
Kowhai |
Sparrmannia africana |
African Hemp |
Spathodea campanulata |
African Tulip Tree |
Stachys (many) |
Stachys |
Stachys (Betonica) officinalis |
Betony |
Stachys sylvatica |
Wood Woundwort |
Stapelia variegata |
Starfish Flower, Star Flower |
Staphylea trifolia |
Bladdernut |
Stelleria holostea |
Greater Stitchwort, Wedding Cake |
Stephanotis floribunda |
Bridal Wreath |
Sternbergia lutea |
Autumn Daffodil |
Stokesia laevis |
Stokes' Aster |
Strelitzia nicolae |
Bird of Paradise |
Streptocarpus |
Cape Primrose |
Styrax obassia |
Fragrant Snowbell |
Succisa pratensis |
Devil's Bit Scabious |
Sutherlandia frutescens |
Balloon Pea |
Symphyandra (many) |
Bellflower |
Symphyandra (Campanula) wanneri |
Ring Bellflower, Ringflower |
Symphyandra zanzegura |
Rock Bellflower |
Symphytum officinalis |
Common Comfrey |