Iberis (many) |
Candytuft |
Iberis pruitii candolleana group |
Candytuft |
Iberis umbellata |
Candytuft |
Illicium anisatum |
Chinese Anise |
Impatiens (many) |
Busy Lizzie |
Impatiens glandulifera |
Policeman's Helmet |
Impatiens x walleriana |
Busy Lizzie |
Incarvillea (many) |
hardy Gloxinia |
Indigofera (many) |
Indigo |
Indigofera gerardiana |
Himalayan Indigo |
Indigofera hebepetala |
Indigo |
Indigofera heterantha |
Himalayan Indigo |
Indigofera potaninii |
Potanin Indigo |
Inula conyza |
Ploughman's Spikenard |
Iochroma australis |
Blue Angel Trumpet |
Ipomoea (many) |
Morning Glory |
Ipomoea lobata |
Spanish Flag |
Ipomoea pes-caprae |
Beach Morning Glory |
Ipomoea sloteri |
Morning Glory |
Ipomoea tricolor |
Morning Glory |
Ipomoea violacea |
Morning Glory |
Iris (many) |
Iris |
Iris (many) |
Iris |
Iris decora |
Nepal Iris |
Iris foetidissima |
Stinking Gladwyn |
Iris innominata |
Golden Iris |
Iris pseudacorus |
Yellow Flag |
Iris sibirica |
Siberian Iris |
Iris sintenisii |
German Iris |
Isoplexis canariensis |
Tenerife Shrub Foxglove |
Isoplexis isabellina |
Canary Island Foxglove |
Isoplexis sceptrum |
Giant Madeira Foxglove |
Isotoma |
Blue Star Creeper, Rock Isotome |
Ixia |
Corn Lily |
Ixiolirion |
Siberian Lily |
Ixora coccinea |
Flame of the Woods, Jungle Geranium |