Carissa macrocarpa |
Natal Plum |
Carpanthea pomeridiana |
Golden Carpet |
Carpenteria californica |
Tree Anemone |
Carthamnus tinctoria |
Saffron Thistle |
Caryopteris x clandonensis |
Blue Mist Shrub |
Cassia (many) |
Shower Tree |
Cassia |
Cassia, Shower Tree |
Cassia grandis |
Coral Shower Tree, Pink Shower Tree |
Cassiope hypnoides |
Cassiope |
Casuarina equisetifolia |
Horsetail Tree |
Catalpa bignoides |
Indian Bean Tree |
Catalpa speciosa |
Northern Catalpa, Western Catalpa |
Catananche caerulea |
Cupid's Dart |
Catharanthus roseus |
Madagascar Periwinkle |
Cautleya spicata |
Ginger Lily |
Ceanothus 'Autumnal Blue' |
Californian Lilac |
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus |
Californian Lilac |
Ceiba pentandra |
Kapok Tree |
Celosia plumosa (argentea) |
Cockscomb |
Celosia spicata |
Cockscomb |
Centaurea cyanus |
Cornflower |
Centaurea nigra |
Knapweed |
Centaurea scabiosa |
Greater Knapweed |
Centaurium chloodes |
Centaury |
Centaurium scilloides |
Centaury |
Centranthus ruber |
Red Valerian |
Cephalaria radiata |
Yellow Scabious |
Cerastium arvense |
Field Mouse-Ear |
Cerastium tomentosum |
Snow in Summer |
Ceratonia siliqua |
Carob, Locust Tree |
Ceratotheca triloba |
South African Foxglove |
Cercis canadensis |
Eastern Redbud, Forest Pansy |
Cercis siliquastrum |
Judas Tree |
Cerinthe major purpurascens |
Honeywort |
Cestrum newellii |
Red Cestrum |
Chaenorrhinum glareosum |
Dwarf Snapdragon |
Chaerophyllum hirsutum roseum |
Hairy Chervil |
Chamaerops humilis |
Dwarf Fan Palm |
Chamerion (Epilobium) angustifolium |
Rose Bay Willow Herb |
Chamerion (Epilobium) crassum |
Willow Herb |
Chamerion (Epilobium) dodonaei |
Willow Herb |
Chamerion (Epilobium) hirsutum |
Great Willow Herb |
Chamerion (Epilobium) sulphureum |
Willow Herb |
Chasmanthe floribunda v duckettii |
Chasmanthe |
Cheiranthus |
Wallflower |
Chelone (many) |
Turtle Head |
Chelone obliqua |
Turtle Head |
Chiastophyllum oppositifolium |
Lamb's Tail |
Chilopsis linearis |
Desert Willow |
Chimonanthus praecox |
Winter Sweet |
Chionodoxa forbesii |
Glory of the Snow |
Chlidanthus fragrans |
Peruvian Daffodil |
Chorisia insignis |
White Silk Floss Tree |
Chorisia speciosa |
Silk Floss Tree |
Chrysanthemum (many) |
Chrysanthemum |
Chrysanthemum carinatum |
Annual Chrysanthemum |
Chrysanthemum coronarium |
Crown Daisy |
Chrysophyllum cainito |
Star Apple |
Cichorium intybus |
Chicory |
Cineraria (Pericallis) 'Erfurt Dwarf' |
Cineraria |
Cistus (many) |
Rock Rose |
Cistus symphytifolius |
Rock Rose |
Cladanthus arabicus |
Palm Springs Daisy |
Clarkia amoena |
Godetia |
Clarkia bottae |
Botta's Fairyfan |
Clarkia elegans |
Garland Flower |
Claytonia megarrhiza |
Purslane |
Clematis (many) |
Clematis |
Clematis macropetala |
Clematis |
Clematis vitalba |
Old Man's Beard, Traveller's Joy |