Plant Profiles - Perennials
Click on the small picture to go to the Plant Profile page about that plant
 Helleborus |
 Campanula |
 Schizostylis |
 Campanula |
 Hosta |
 Aruncus |
 Thalictrum |
 Anthemis |
 Phlomis |
 Kniphofia |
 Eucomis |
 Trollius |
 Belamcanda |
 Crocosmia |
 Papaver |
 Lobelia |
 Lupinus |
 Lobelia |
 Erodium |
 Alcea |
 Lilium |
 Helleborus |
 Nerine |
 Astrantia |
 Dianthus |
 Allium |
 Echinacea |
 Senecio |
 Malva |
 Platycodon |
 Verbascum |
 Aquilegia |
 Berkheya |
 Chelone |
 Hesperis |
 Agastache |
 Penstemon |
 Lavandula |
 Campanula |
 Lavandula |
 Salvia |
 Pulmonaria |
 Polemonium |
 Geranium |
 Echinops |
 Agapanthus |
 Commelina |
 Meconopsis |  Eryngium |
 Eryngium |